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مجموعة البحوث التي تناولت فيروس كورونا covid-19 وتأثيراته في التعليم

مجموعة البحوث التي تناولت فيروس كورونا covid-19 وتأثيراته في التعليم

البحث الأول: "إطار عمل لتوجيه استجابة التعليم لوباء COVID-19 لعام 2020" - " A framework to guide an education response to the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020."

ملخص البحث:

This report aims at supporting education decision making to develop and implement effective education responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The report explains why the necessary social isolation measures will disrupt school-based education for several months in most countries around the world. Absent an intentional and effective strategy to protect opportunity to learn during this period, this disruption will cause severe learning losses for students. The report proposes that leaders of education systems and organizations develop plans for the continuation of education through alternate modalities, during the period of necessary social isolation. It offers a framework of areas to be covered by such plans. Based on a rapid assessment of education needs and emerging responses in ninety eight countries, the report identifies the most salient needs that should be addressed in these plans, as well as the areas likely to face more implementation challenges. It also examines the education responses of various countries to the crisis. Based on an analysis of data from the most recent administration of the PISA survey, the report also describes the challenges facing various education systems to depend on online education as an alternative modality.

لتحميل البحث اضغط على التوثيق التالي

Reimers, F. M., & Schleicher, A. (2020). A framework to guide an education response to the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020. OECD. Retrieved April, 14, 2020.‏

البحث الثاني: "تحديات وفرص التعليم العالي وسط جائحة COVID-19  النموذج الفلبيني" - " Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Philippine Context"

ملخص البحث:

Covid-19 affected higher educational institutions not just in Wuhan, China where the virus originated but all other higher educational institutions in 188 countries as of April 06, 2020. Educational countermeasures are taken to continue educating the students despite the COVID-19 predicaments. Based on the author's experiences,research, observations in the academe, COVID-19 guidelines, and the need for alternative solutions, this article introduces how higher education is affected and how it can respond to future challenges. This article recommends to educational institutions to produce studies to proliferate and document the impact of the pandemic to the educational system. There is also a greater need for educational institutions to strengthen the practices in the curriculum and make it more responsive to the learning needs of the students even beyond the conventional classrooms.

لتحميل البحث اضغط على التوثيق التالي

البحث الثالث: "التدريس والتكنولوجيا وتعليم المعلمين أثناء جائحة كوفيد -19: قصص من الميدان" - "Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the covid-19 pandemic: Stories from the field"

ملخص البحث:

The COVID-19 pandemic brought frightening headlines. Each day dawned with news highlighting the number of cases (and deaths), the contagiousness of the disease, the lack of a cure or vaccine, and the scarcity of personal protective equipment for our healthcare and other frontline workers. One of the few positives was the speed at which many global partners joined to battle the disease. Academic researchers and even academic journals joined in the fight. For instance, in addition to giving open access to articles, many medical journals switched to a speedier review to be able to quickly publish promising results. So, as researchers were making early discoveries, they had a way to bypass a traditionally longer review and publication process to give hope, share building blocks, and encourage collaboration

لتحميل البحث اضغط على التوثيق التالي

Ferdig, R. E., Baumgartner, E., Hartshorne, R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R., & Mouza, C. (2020). Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the covid-19 pandemic: Stories from the field. Waynesville, NC, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).‏

البحث الرابع: "تأثير Covid-19 على التعليم العالي حول العالم. تقرير المسح العالمي IAU." - "The impact of Covid-19 on higher education around the world. IAU Global Survey Report "

ملخص البحث:

IAU fosters dialogue on the impact of COVID 19 on the future of higher education through virtual Global Meetings of Associations, regular virtual meetings with partners and through a series of international webinars. Co-organised with the Boston College Center for international Higher Education (CIHE), CHEA and the Council of Europe, various UN bodies, this series of Webinars on the Future of Higher Education gives the floor to higher education stakeholders, including rectors, students, researchers, multilateral organisations from all five continents. These Webinars are made available for free. Recordings are shared via the IAU YouTube channel2 . Papers3 are also being published to advocate for the importance of higher education for today and tomorrow and to inform about the various impacts that will challenge the very future of higher education and, as a consequence, society at large.

لتحميل البحث اضغط على التوثيق التالي

Marinoni, G., Van’t Land, H., & Jensen, T. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 on higher education around the world. IAU Global Survey Report.‏

هل اعجبك الموضوع :
كاتب محتوى مصري مهتم بمجال التكنولوجيا والبرمجة ومؤسس موقع "مهارات المستقبل" بهدف إفادة جميع الزوار بكل جديد من مهارات المستقبل


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